Skin Rejuvenation Methods

Today, people of different ages give more importance to the appearance of their skin, which has increased the desire to use skin rejuvenation methods among people, but the variety of these methods has caused many people to hesitate in deciding for Choose between the available methods. For this reason, we decided to examine skin rejuvenation and its common methods.

Mechanical method: In this method, the surface of the skin is shaved with the help of a tool, and the skin looks better and fresher after the repair process. The old method was known as dermabrasion, where the surface of the skin was shaved and polished with the help of a tool such as sandpaper, and the large pores of the skin were also reduced to some extent, but it required a lot of skill because it could be damaged in case of excessive pressure. , damage the skin. The new models of these devices are known as Microdermabrasion, which spray sandpaper-like powder on the skin with high speed and pressure, and then vacuum it, which causes exfoliation of the skin. The advantage of this method is its relative safety, and younger people who only need exfoliation and skin rejuvenation can use this method. This method is not very useful in old age to remove skin wrinkles or to repair pimples and acne, because it does not have the necessary power to affect these lesions.

Chemical method: This method, which is also known as peeling, uses chemicals that are mostly acidic to remove dead or damaged skin layers. The mildest type of these methods is the use of exfoliating creams by the patient himself, which is usually done at night before going to bed and uses fruit acids such as alpha hydroxy acid. This method is effective for some skin blemishes, surface pimples and fine skin folds and makes the skin brighter and fresher. Creams containing vitamin A compounds or Retin A have more exfoliating power and should be used more carefully, because they can damage the skin. These creams should be used away from light and before going to sleep, and after using them, it is better to avoid working with mobile phones and computers. Dermatologists usually prescribe a combination of these substances depending on the individual’s needs. But the main method of peeling, which is performed by doctors and usually in one session, is the use of strong chemical substances to burn the skin in a controlled manner, which leads to the creation of new skin. In this method, the chemical solution is applied to the skin and after a short time, less than a minute, it is quickly washed off. A person’s skin falls off after a while and new skin replaces it. In the past, when new exfoliation and skin rejuvenation techniques were not popular, this method had many fans among doctors and patients, but with the advent of new methods and due to the high risk of side effects, today the overall popularity of this method has decreased. . However, if you want to do peeling, you should make sure that it is done by an expert and preferably a doctor who has a lot of experience in this work.

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